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Human Design Reading + 4 Emotional Alchemy Sessions

1 h 30 min
555 British pounds

What you will receive

A deeply nurturing and supportive offering. Know, accept and nurture yourself so that you can change y(our) world. KNOW During our time together we will have five 1.5hr calls. One of which will be a Human Design Reading to talk about your Type, Strategy & Authority, Profile and Centres. This is your blueprint for how your unique energy works and how to follow the path of least resistance in life. Part one in my Know, Accept & Nurture Yourself - Connect To Your Magic mantra. Book your first call on payment and then I will send you a link to book the other calls. ACCEPT We will then have four 1.5 hour Emotional Alchemy Sessions. These will focus on deconditioning the four chosen areas of your HD chart. After your HD Reading you can choose any combination from: * Your Type (one session) * Any of the 9 Centres (one session each) * The two lines of your Profile (one session per line) Wherever you are most out of alignment and experiencing the most struggle we will focus our energies there. We will use combination of tapping, and journaling (in between sessions) to rewire any limiting beliefs which will include getting to the root of why you are feeling the way you are about yourself. We will then tap and uproot these beliefs so that you can have a totally different perspective and finally be free from these limiting beliefs. You will learn how to tap, so that you have a skill for life and can tap whenever you need to. You will also receive journaling prompts and a Dreamseed Question to tap on in between our calls. The transformation will keep unfolding in between sessions as everything percolates through. This is the Accept part of your transformation. I will send you a separate link to book these calls in after your first call. NURTURE The Nurture part comes in the form of discovering how to help yourself in between sessions and for life with the magic of botanicals. I will teach you how placing essential oils on specific acupoints can support you with this work and also have a profound effect in its own right. I will also show you how to make your own Bach Flower Remedy Treatment Bottle and we'll discuss which flower essences would be most helpful to you at this time. I will share with you grounding techniques and energy postures to help you and what your energy needs at this moment to help you. YOU WILL FEEL GROUNDED AND GOOD ENOUGH! *Prices guaranteed at time of booking and payment but subject to change at any time.

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